Saturday, January 31, 2015

I cant even.

Now that we are well into 2015, I think it's appropriate that I write a bit. Let's talk about my goals and what I hope 2015 brings.

This year, I want a sub 25 minute 5k. That's an 8.02 mile. Sounds easy enough on paper. I am currently running about an 8:20 pace and can keep that for the duration of 3.1 miles, but I'm not as consistent as I'd like to be. I like to run almost every day, so I might hit this goal once or twice a week, but not on all 6 of my weekly runs. That's something I want to work on. So beginning of the year is time trials and end of the year I will be back focusing on half marathon pacing. (Hey! Remember that time I ran a half in December and it was one of the worst runs of my life because of some weird back pain...? Yeah, well it didn't go away. I had to go to the doctor twice for it this past month. And I found out it might have been a kidney stone. It also could have been severely strained back muscles, but whatever it was,  professional advice had to be sought. Anyway it's gone now and my speed is back (on most days). My next "big" race is the Cooper River Bridge Run on March 28 and I'm looking forward to it.

This year, I want to blog more. Haha...considering we are 4 weeks into 2015 and this is my first blog post, I might as well just write a big, fat F on my forehead. FAIL. But really, I just want to write more. Whether it's blogging or writing poetry or just nonsensical creative ramblings in my journal, I want that. I want to become a better writer this year, get more experience, learn from all the crazy creative people I work with, and produce more quality work.

This year, I want to read more. I joined a fantastic book club last year and it's been amazing. It's really kept me focused on making time to read. For me, reading is another way of getting away from the crazy (or boring) world we find ourselves trapped in on a daily basis. It's like running in a way. And I know that with more reading comes more inspired writing and hopefully better writing, so I'm excited for that evolution too.

This year, I want to travel. I've been debating bringing up the idea of moving to one of my company's other offices to my boss. We've got an office in Austin and one in San Diego, but more on that whole traveling thing later.

This year (in the next month or so really) I want to have my own Krav class. I have been assistant teaching since November and I love it. It's great to have a mat full of people working towards their fitness and self-defense goals. These people could be doing anything else they want with that hour of their day. But they chose to be there, getting stronger and learning how to protect themselves and their loved ones, with me as their instructor. I am always in awe of that and what I see my students do every day. It's awesome stuff.

This year, I want need to save money. I want to travel, and replace my car, Monty, soon and not having money makes these two things pretty difficult to accomplish. My brother and I have said that we are going to do the 52 week dollar challenge this year. Basically, at the end of the first week of 2015, you put a dollar away. At the end of the second week, you put two dollars away. And this process continues until the end of the year, so at the last week you put away 52 dollars. If you stick with the challenge, you should have something like $1326 at the end of the year. Not too shabby.

So those are just a few things I want this year. I'll keep you posted...more often. Promise.

What I've read in the past few months-

The Invention of Wings, Sue Monk Kidd  (Worth it.)
Defending Jacob, William Landay  (Meh.)
The Divorce Papers, Susan Rieger   (Zzzzz...)
The 13th Gift, Joanne Husist Smith  (An acceptable way to waste an afternoon.)
Wild, Cheryl Strayed  (Good. Bawled like a baby a few times. Just like the movie.)

I'm currently reading Paper Towns by John Green. (Started off fast paced and exciting, now it's just dumb.)